Impact on Traffic

In this section we collated feedback from you and other Prestwich residents  and shared it with

As the feedback period has now closed, we have stopped accepting comments on this for now.


Fairfax Road

  1. There is already significant traffic issues at times of the day along Fairfax road leading to queing traffic on both Poppythorn Road and Bury New Road
  2. We would suggest that traffic surveys are done during the course of a bust school week and not during school holidays
  3. In addition, modelling needs to be undertaken taking into consideration changes to traffic flow brought about by the scheme (see feedback posts below)

8 thoughts on “Impact on Traffic”

  1. The traffic congestion caused by the narrowing of Bury New Road (and possibly exacerbated by traffic light number/synchronisation on Bury New Road) has contributed to queues of traffic on Fairfax Road formed by traffic unable to turn left onto Bury New Road. This also affects vehicles attempting to turn right onto Bury New Road from Chester Street as the junction is blocked.

    I’m concerned that traffic access changes to Rectory Lane along with a reduction of the number of public car parking areas from three to one, and the entrance and exit to that is going to be on the already congested Fairfax Road is going exacerbate the congestion problem.

    I agree with the suggestion of traffic surveys but modelling needs to be undertaken taking into consideration changes to traffic flow brought about by the scheme

  2. I am concerned about traffic implications around fairfax Rd where the proposed car park will have an exit and entry point.

  3. Traffic build up around Fairfax Road/Poppythorne Lane is already problematic during busy periods, or when there are road issues on surrounding roads. So bottlenecking this though the creation of a multi-story car park with its entrance and exit onto Frairfax road is a real concern.

    – Reduced overall parking.
    – Less through traffic.
    – Better managment of traffic around the village.
    – Concerns raised about increase in cars from new residents.
    – Sugestions of introducing car parking charges.
    – Better plan for car park entry/exit concerns.

    This must all be done whilst remaining accessible – disabled parking & drop-off zones are required at key locations (transport stops, health centre, etc).

    (Theme complied through responds to Prestwich Environmental Forum’s Green Regeneration survey)

    – Accessible walkways to and from the village
    – Well-lit walkways
    – Safe streets
    – Improved crossings that give more priority to pedestrians
    – Improved cycle routes around village, linking it to Bury & beyond
    – Cycles routes into the village
    – Cycle infrastructure such as free puncture repair in the community hub, chaning areas
    – Secure & easy cycle parking throughout

    – More public transport links.
    – Incentives to use public transport.
    – A free shuttle bus on BNR.
    – Better integration into village.
    – Improved station environments.

    (Theme complied through responds to Prestwich Environmental Forum’s Green Regeneration survey)

  6. From PVNF FB Page

    St Mary’s Primary School. You need a “school street” where the road is closed for one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon.

    Close Rectory lane permanently to stop it being a rat run with speeding

    Influence kids and parents to use other methods, e.g. walking, cycling, and take cars off the road!
    The masterplan has brought the Fairfax Rd carpark into play which releases the Longfield carpark area for buildings. Traffic in & out along Fairfax looks tidier to me, and bringing in more traffic near St Mary’s school is probably something to be avoided.

  7. From PVNF FB Page

    here are challenges around impact of transport. Just because the new proposed multi storey car park exceeds current car parking spaces what will this look like when more people move in to the new housing area and space that they repeatedly envision will be more 24/7 is working through day and night time economy? Still think challenges around this as i just see Fairfax Road as being even worse traffic wise and affecting every other surrounding road bar the newly de-engineered rectory lane.

    Do you not think the traffic calming will create issues further down on St Mary’s Road when people try avoiding the village. Also there is no pick-up/drop off area for the tram which will cause further congestion on Rectory Lane.

  8. From PVNF FB Page

    I’m interested to see a change in the way the public choose to “move” – the research evidence I’ve read says the more roads available results in an increase in traffic. I suppose it’s an opportunity to look at the whole road infrastructure around the village and consider what long term outcomes the community want to see. Is it that we want more people to be walking, cycling, using public transport in the future or do we want more cars on the road?
    The public transport would need to significantly improve to achieve any long term shift towards a reduced traffic outcome. The powers that be will also need to consider the challenges for people with disabilities, to ensure that people have access to an appropriate range of travel options.

    Bringing in residents reclaims Rectory Lane and could reinstate a village feel. combining the car parks at Fairfax reduces the traffic at the Poppythorn/Fairfax/Rectory Junction which can only help too.

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