Prestwich Village Neighbourhood Forum

Working towards a better Prestwich Village

Design Code Update

We have had a fantastic response to our question asking for feedback on a proposed Design Code for Prestwich with over 50 responses received – we  are really grateful for these as we want represent as many views as possible in the area.

Sitting alongside the Neighbourhood Plan, the bespoke Design Code will help Prestwich Village set its own standards for design locally and will be used by all future planning applications and developments taking place in the neighbourhood plan area.

We will now share the information with our AECOM consultants who are assisting us in creating the Design Code – no names or personal details will be shared, just your feedback.

We will keep you updated on progress via this site, Facebook and Twitter.

 Click here if you want more information about Design Codes.  


We are developing a Neighbourhood Plan for Prestwich

We are a group of local residents who have used the ‘Localism Act’ to establish a ‘Neighbourhood Forum’ that will help develop Prestwich in the way that residents and local business want.  

We will work with residents to create what is called a ‘Neighbourhood Plan’ – you can read all about what a Neighbourhood Plan is here: UK Govt – Neighbourhood planning (the link opens in a new tab in your browser)

The Neighbourhood Plan will take time to deliver, we are told typically 18 months or longer is the minimum it usually takes. During this period we will collect ideas, share information with you all about what we are doing but also what we learn about the wider developments across Manchester such Manchester’s future transport strategy so that we can see how this effects Prestwich.

You will also be aware that the Longfield Centre is being redeveloped. Although the Neighbourhood Plan will not be ready in time to influence this redevelopment, we will share with you the redevelopment plans that we become aware of and advise on how you can give feedback to the Council and the developers on their proposed plans. 

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Please get engaged with the regeneration

We all need to help guide the planning process to give us the Prestwich Village we all want

To support the Prestwich Regeneration Plan and the future development of Prestwich in general