A few words

About Us


We started as a local neighbourhood watch group in 2022 and grew from there!

Vision of Prestwich Village Neighbourhood Forum

  • Prestwich Village must continue to be a thriving safe and friendly village where people will want to live work and spend their leisure time.
  •  We will engage with the community to support sustainable and accessible development, in keeping with climate change objectives.
  • The aim of any development should be to enable commercial activities where appropriate and to encourage the wellbeing of residents and visitors.
  • Development should always be in keeping with the nature of existing buildings whilst engaging with new environmentally friendly building technologies.
  •  We expect that the redevelopment of Prestwich village centre will meet these criteria.

Aims and Objectives

1. To sustain a thriving village centre with mixed use shopping and service provision, especially encouraging a range of independent retailers, offering goods and services to the local community and visitors.
2. To support a sustainable community that promotes employment creation across commercial retail and industrial sites using local contractors as far as possible.
3. To retain and improve on local retail and service provision including accessible community space and facilities, to encourage social interaction between all age groups and service providers.

1. To improve and extend the local educational facilities in line with future housing developments.
2. To ensure adequate education provision for local children of all ages and abilities.
3. To promote informal and social educational facilities for young people and adults.

1. To secure the long-term future and improvement of existing community, leisure and cultural facilities for all ages, with particular regard to the reinstatement of facilities and events previously held at the Longfield centre.
2. To promote the provision of new facilities to address the future needs

Health and wellbeing
1. The provision of accessible health care with facilities for residents and visitors with disabilities, regarding expectations of the future population demographic.
2. To promote spaces which encourage activities and social interactions which contribute to general wellbeing.

1. To protect and enhance local open spaces and improve accessibility.
2. Ensure that any new development meets the highest standards of excellence with regards to sustainability and longevity- at least 50 years.

1 To plan and deliver a range of housing mix, sizes and types that are integrated into the community, and which will provide for both current and predicted future needs of the area.
The provision of affordable social housing should be a priority.
2. To protect and maintain the heritage assets and historic character by guiding development that is sympathetic with existing buildings and surroundings.
3. To promote principles of good design and high quality that supports the local context and locality.

1. To promote cycle networks and disabled accessible, pedestrian friendly pathways through and around the village.
2. To reduce the impact of road traffic pollution and on road parking on the local community by the provision of adequate free short term parking space to provide access to the village centre, and longer-term parking associated with public transport options, in accordance with the city wide connectivity aspirations.
3. To seek timely and effective maintenance of existing infrastructure.