Longfield Centre Regeneration- 70449 : Planning Application

A big thank you to all those who submitted their comments onto Bury Council Planning Portal –we know it takes a lot of time and effort to consider the plans and the associated documents but it is worthwhile as it is your village and it should be developed to meet the needs of future generations and our aging demographic. 

We would strongly encourage you to have a look through the responses as the vast majority are well constructed and thought through and the points raised are reasonable and measured based on the information provided at the 1st and 2nd Conversations, the planning application and associated supporting documents.

Bury Council reported on the planning portal that they received 139 comments (as of the 04.04.24).

On reviewing the submissions to date there are:

  • 102 objections to the planning application many were focused around the traffic
    congestion, the sheer scale, density and saturation of the village with 210
    apartments and lack of family housing. The Carparking location and capacity was a
    significant issue and the lack of retail space were the key issues raised. TfGM and
    Conservation reports were cited as these evidential reports were unable to offer
    robust assurance to strengthen the credibility of the planning application.
  • 3 petitions have been submitted with a collective total of 135 signatories (not sure if
    these are counted as three objections or 135 objections)
  • 15 Neutral responses notwithstanding the majority of these responses raised
    concerns relating to traffic congestion, poor air, 13% less retail space Scale and
    density of housing and carparking
  • 18 Supporting the Plan expressing their support based on the conversations with
    Muse and Councillors that the traffic congestion will be managed effectively;
    Businesses will not be unduly affected regarding phasing and rents

You can read all the online submitted responses here on the Bury Council website

1 thought on “Longfield Centre Regeneration- 70449 : Planning Application”

  1. I would urge everyone to read all the associated reports as they offer a professional insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the plans

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