Updated yourprestwich.com site with engagement details

The website that has been setup for the joint venture between Bury Council and Muse Developments for the Prestwich Regeneration project has been updated! It now shows you the proposed communication plan for 2023 and there are 3 key elements to it. The first is an opportunity to register your interest and to be kept updated, so we recommend all interested to register their details so you don’t just get updates from us, but also the developers (you can sign up here: https://yourprestwich.com/have-your-say/)

The second element, is a drop in session on at Prestwich Library (Longfield Centre, Prestwich, Manchester M25 1AY) on Sunday 29th January 2023 between 11am – 3pm.

And lastly you can sign up for an online ‘Questions and Answers’ session on the 1st February – you can register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/your-prestwich-live-online-qa-tickets-489006239827