New Update From The Prestwich Village Neighbourhood Forum!

Community Engagement Event

Some of you may already be aware of the PVNF first community engagement event which was held in March 2024 at Prestwich Tennis, Cricket and Bowling Club that Troy Planning Consultancy have been appointed to assist with developing the Prestwich Village Neighbourhood Plan.

Housing Needs Assessment

In April we secured the support from AECOM who are currently conducting a Housing Needs Assessment ( HNA) this is will be based on a range of policy, demographic, research and technical data that will inform us of the number/ typology and mix of housing that is required for the Neighbourhood Area for the next 25+ years.

The HNA Report is expected to be completed by late summer and will sit along with the Neighbourhood Plan.

Design Code

In June 2024 PVNF successfully partnered with Aecom Locality Team to support the development of The Village Neighbourhood Design Code and guidance.
We are undertaking a community engagement survey in respect to the Design Code- so please have your say and complete please – share with your local family members, friends work colleagues fellow students. The more information we receive on your views regarding design the more the design code will reflect what you see is important regarding housing types/ design/ shop/Transport/Street signage etc.


Clough Day

PVNF also had a stall at the wonderful Prestwich Clough Day in June – where we shared the Forum’s vision and objectives with the public.
We also manged to significantly boost our membership too.


The Neighbourhood Plan

The Neighbourhood Plan will be developed over the next few years as it will take some time to build the evidence including enduring any aspirations align with national , regional and local policies.


Future Events

PVNF will be holding more community engagement events so the community, anyone who lives , works or studies here can have a say in what they would wish to see in the village designated neighbourhood.


Longfield Centre Redevelopment

PVNF support the redevelopment but have objected as there are still a number of concerns that if they remain unaddressed -we believe these will impact on the community.

The comments to the planning application ( and the additional amendments) are in and the decision will be taken by the Planning Control Committee on 9th July 2024 at 7pm at Bury Town Hall
Please attend contact Democratic Services for further information.


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