Housing Needs Assessment

PVNF commissioned AECOM to conduct a Housing Needs Assessment of the Prestwich Village Neighbourhood Area- here are the Key Findings.
PVNF will publish the full and final HNA report in early September once approved by PVNF Board.

Key points from Draft Housing Needs Assessment
  • The area currently has a fairly balanced housing supply with the number of dwellings having risen by roughly the same percentage as its population (approx. 4% over the last 10 years)
  • The PVNA area tenure split is 67.6% owner occupier, 14.4% social rent and 17.6% private rent. Owner occupation is higher than England (61%) and slightly higher than Bury as a whole (Bury). Private and social renting are similar to those in Bury
    • Overall house prices are 21%in the PVNF area than Bury. Between 2014-2023 prices have risen the most for detached properties (104%) and terraced properties (107.7%). Semi-detached properties have seen an increase of 92% with flats seeing a more modest growth of 47%
  • Aecom suggest that the housing mix for affordable housing should be 60% affordable /social rent and 26% affordable home ownership tenure
  • Some households in the PVNF area may be able to afford private rented property and although they may wish to buy cannot afford home ownership. For these households products such as Rent to Buy, Shared Ownership and First Homes would be appropriate
  • The most common type of housing in the PVNF is semi-detached (44%), with 28% terraced, 11.5% detached and 21% flats. The area has a lower proportion of detached dwellings than Bury or England. The PVNF area also has a higher proportion of flats than Bury or England but a lower proportion of terraced properties
  • The most common dwelling size is 3 bedroom (45%), with 26% 2 bed, 18% 4 bed and 11% 1 bed. The area has a similar proportion of 1 and 2 bed dwellings as England but a higher proportion than Bury. The proportion of 3 bed dwellings in the PVNA area is higher than in England and Bury but it has fewer 4 bed dwellings
  • The age profile in the PVNF is similar to Bury and England although it has a smaller number of younger residents and a higher proportion of working age adults between 25-44 (35%) and 45-64 (27%). Aecom suggest that this is probably due to the area’s popularity as a commuter town to Manchester and as a place to start a family
  • The older age groups (65-84 & 85+) have grown faster at 15% than other groups (10%) and reflects an ageing population. Population growth is expected to be driven by older households – 46% of households in PVNA will be in the 65 age group by 2039. Other age groups show lower household growth with the under & under age group expected to decline by 8%
  • Current dwelling mix in the area is reasonably well balanced but Aecom recommend that to achieve an ideal mix by 2039 future housing deliver might wish to priorities medium sized dwellings with more 2 and 4 bed properties, some 3 beds but not 1 bed or 5+ bed
  • The report suggests that to maintain a balance of housing within the PVNF area and meet future needs that the proportion of new housing should be 53% 2 bed, 25% 3 bed, 21% 4 bed with no proposals for 1 bed or 5+ bed properties.

PVNF August 2024


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