URGENT – Please give your feedback now on Prestwich Regeneration by Sunday 31st March!

We understand that everybody is very busy nowadays but its really important that you give your feedback to the council on the planning application related to the Prestwich Regeneration Project.

The deadline is this Sunday, the 31st March

You can see all the planning documents and comments people have made on the Bury Council Website.

To help you, these are links to some key documents you should try and read before submitting your view:

  1. Extent of Full and Outline Components (Dwg No. 207-JMA-MP-00-DR-A-001310) – this is an overall view of the development (basically a picture!)
  2. ‘Conservation Officer recommendations’ – this is feedback from the conservation officer and worth reading as covers St Marys Church and the Radius building.
  3. Active Travel England recommendations – formal feedback on the plans relating to walking and cycling provision in the plan.
  4. TFGM comments – Official ‘Transport for Greater Manchester’ feedback – covers parking and traffic assessment – key feedback is they disagree with some of the assessments and that future traffic growth has not been considered.
  5. TFGM: Metrolink – this is feedback from Metrolink, talking about the developers extending their application to help modernise the tram station and potentially adding a mural.
  6. ‘Ecological Impact Assessment’ – covers recommendations for bat boxes, biodiversity gain etc
  7. ‘Arboricultural Impact Assessment’ – all about the trees!
  8. ‘Supporting planning statement’ – this is a very long read at 156 pages but it has all the detail and the thinking behind the proposal. Use the menu to go to the important sections for you.
  9. ‘Crime Impact Statement’ – covers how crime prevention is being handled

There are other important documents on the website but we thought these may be of most interest to you. Once you are ready, click the link to go to the Bury Council website and don’t be put off by having to register, it only takes a second to do it and it helps remove any fake feedback.



Feedback from the Prestwich Village Neighbourhood Forum is:

The current planning application for the Longfield is in danger of causing gridlock on surrounding roads and giving us a load of small apartments that won’t meet local housing needs or those moving to the area from the City Centre – who want houses. However with a few important changes it could be made into a scheme that really benefits Prestwich and we have prepared a revised plan to show what we think should happen (see the diagram below). The key changes is that the car park will be located on the existing health centre site, making it much centrally located and would allow for housing to be developed on the Fairfax Road site. We also want to see a lower density housing scheme on the existing Longfield car park. If you agree please object to the current planning application and suggest these or similar changes.

(Please note – we are all Prestwich residents and have no affiliation to the redevelopment, we just want a great place for us all to live in!)


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