Interesting feedback from the Steering Group 15th February 2023

Here are just a few headlines from our recent Sterling Group Meeting, which was well attended

The Council Consultation Process

The Council pre- engagement consultation began in early January and ends on 17th March 2023, so please submit your comments to ‘Your Prestwich’ by this date.

This can be done via a variety of mechanisms as detailed on their website.

We have noticed that if you submit your form electronically you don’t get an email telling you what you have submitted, so you no longer have a record of your thoughts and ideas, so we would encourage you to:

  1. Keep a record of what you have submitted
  2. Post you feedback on our website, see below on how to do it
Post Feedback on our website
  • You can post feedback on our website, please note that this is not the official route so we encourage you to always also submit on the site
  • All feedback received is viewable by everybody, including Bury Council, the developers and supporting parties, so there is no hiding what has been posted and your thoughts on the regeneration
  • When you submit, the only information that can be seen by regular users is your name
  • Have a look at what others have posted as it may stimulate your own thinking on what is good and bad for the generation
  • Lastly, we will submit all your ideas to the team looking after the regeneration, but of course they can see them as you post!
Designation as a Neighbourhood Forum

(we will right up a post soon that explains what a neighbourhood forum is and what is can do for an area)

  • The Forum has applied for designation and has now received confirmation from Bury Council that the application meets the legal requirements.
  • As you are aware the Forum is eager to see the Village redevelopment happen and be successful, we are not anti- development, indeed, we are totally committed to change. The Forum just wants the residents to have a say and have their views considered fully. If designated as a Forum all residents and businesses will be able to have an influence on their village area and beyond, not only this proposed regeneration project but for other future planning proposals within the designated area.
  • The next stage in the designation process will be for the Council to consult on the Forum application. This will inform the Council’s Cabinet decision making process regarding whether they agree with the designation of the Forum or not. This stage in the process should be completed by the end of June. So please watch out for future updates!
  • We were fortunate to have two leaders from AECOM attend our Steering Group Meeting this week.
  • AECOM is an American multinational infrastructure consulting firm who also support many charitable causes including offering support to local people in the UK to establish Forums to help them to create local neighbourhood plans.
  • Aecom are working with the Forum to offer challenge and facilitation to assist us with the process to achieve designation.
  • If PVNF are successful in achieving designation Aecom will provide support to complete assessments, such as Housing needs, environmental assessments etc.
Prestwich Village Neighbourhood Forum Website/Facebook / Instagram/Twitter
  • The social media platforms are now established and we are delighted with the support and interest that has been shown. Please continue to use these platforms to share any information in respect to the Village redevelopment, or any other related Prestwich Village Area issues or constructive solutions to address any concerns you may have.
  • See the footer of our website for all the links!
  • Together we strengthen our community and ensure that we influence the shape of Prestwich Village for future generations to enjoy.

Thank you for your continuing support

1 thought on “Interesting feedback from the Steering Group 15th February 2023”

  1. I prefer to use the word “adapt” to new /latest circumstances/environments – rather than the word “change”!

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