Very large attendance at our January Steering Group Meeting!

The Prestwich Village Forum kicked off the new year with a full house at the Steering Group to discuss the next steps in ensuring that we keep Prestwich residents updated on our conversations with those involved in the Prestwich Regeneration.

At the meeting we were joined by 4 Bury Councillors who came to show their support for the group:

  • Councillor Cristina Tegolo
  • Councillor Russell Bernstein
  • Councillor Mike Smith
  • Councillor Carol Birchmore

We have given a free invitation to all Bury councillors to attend.

We were also delighted that we were also joined by representatives of Village Greens and Incredible Edible, and also the Prestwich Environmental Forum on the Steering Group.

The group has expanded and we now have numerous attendees who work in architecture, town planning and property development. We should point out that these members are not involved in the regeneration itself but are Prestwich residents who are giving their time freely to hopefully help guide the regeneration. 

Further supporting us we have an ex-Deputy Divisional Commander for Bury Police together with an expert in disability rights and inclusion,  arts and health and also numerous other local residents who possess a fantastic range of skills, experience and a passion to help guide this regeneration project.

At the meeting we discussed:

  • Our application to Bury Council to become a designated Neighbourhood Forum, this was submitted at the start of December and we are keen to keep this moving
  • The plan for ensuring that we communicate out the briefing sessions that Bury Council and Muse will be doing at the end of January and the start of February (see Key Dates on the front page of the website)
  • How we can get younger members of the community engaged in the regeneration
  • Our attendance at the Bury Council meetings taking place this January

Unfortunately, as yet we have not seen any plans from the Joint Venture but as soon as we become aware of these we will share with you. It is important that everybody understands that we are keen all Prestwich residents have a say in the regeneration,  we are not trying to control what happens but just ensure that all Prestwich residents get the opportunity to be involved.

And whilst we are not quite ready to start expanding out our membership we can assure you that we are only Prestwich residents and are in no way associated with the Joint Venture itself.

You can also ensure your opinions can be heard by making sure you register with your details with the Joint Venture (, and attending the presentations being done by the Joint Venture. Also, please subscribe to our Twitter feed ( to ensure you are fully informed of what is happening.

And our thanks to you for taking the time to read this.


*Please note the site is maintained and operated by the Joint Venture between Bury Council and Muse Developments and not ourselves.