Draft Masterplan shared by Bury Council and Muse Developments

The Draft Masterplan for the Prestwich Regeneration project has been shared by Bury Council and Muse Developments. The detail of this can be seen on the ‘yourprestwich’ website managed by the Joint Venture between both organisations.

Some Prestwich residents have also had leaflets delivered through their letterbox covering the plan.

We have quickly reviewed the proposal we just wanted to make sure that everybody understand what is being proposed:

  • The draft plan is shown from above only
  • Looking at the artists impressions the Longfield car park, will be replaced with flats 5 storeys high
  • Lots of the ‘green’ areas shown on the plan may not be visible from ground level. Looking at the existing Radius buildings on the draft plan, they look like they have nice gardens but actually any greenery is above ground (so only residents will see it). On the draft plan, it looks like there are large elements of green space but we believe that they are actually rooftops of buildings and at ground level you won’t see any of it, just the hard paving with some trees
  • The plan potentially ignores the ‘wind tunnelling’ effect that is currently experienced on the passage between Quality Save and the library
  • It has been pointed out that the proposed flats in the diagram resemble ones from the Vimto project that Muse led in Salford: https://www.musedevelopments.com/case-study/vimto-gardens-salford

We are not part of the Joint Venture but we want to ensure that all residents of Prestwich get the full picture of the regeneration and get to have their say. As we advised before, there is a drop in session on Sunday 29th January 2023, 11am – 3pm at Prestwich Library where you can ask questions on the redevelopment so we would encourage you to attend.

The draft regeneration plan is available to be viewed on the ‘youprestwich’ website located here: https://yourprestwich.com/our-vision/